Introduction to 3D printing & 3D Hubs event27 November 2014 | Sabina Gonzalez-George We are holding a 3D printing open evening on Thursday 4th December from 18.30 to 21.00.
Featuring over 10 different desktop 3D printers from around the world, guests will be able to experience the technology first-hand and speak to our team of experts to learn more about the machines, how they work and what can be printed.
There will be a 3D printing workshop with a technical overview of the operation of desktop 3D printers and a demonstration of the latest materials such as composites of bronze, wood and more flexible filaments.
The event will also feature a workshop on 3D Hubs, combined with the launch of the 3D Hubs Mayorship in Reading. Guests will learn more about 3D Hubs (a great facility that allows you to make money from your 3D printer, and become part of the 3D printing community), how you can register your own printer for a hub or seek a 3D print through an authorised hub.
Tickets are free of charge.
Order your tickets on Eventbrite.