Mark One 3D Printer UK Launch Round Up

25 June 2015  |  Sabina Gonzalez-George
CREAT3D Mark One UK Launch June 2015

Mark One Composite 3D Printer Official UK Launch - Round up


Earlier this week (22nd June 2015) we held the Official UK Launch of the revolutionary new Mark One Composite 3D Printer by MarkForged, at the University of Derby's Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering (IISE).


The event was a great success, with a large number of businesses attending from a wide variety of industries from manufacturing, industry, design and academia. The launch was centred around the high-strength printing capabilities of the Mark One Composite 3D Printer, a desktop 3D printer that prints in Nylon and can add reinforced fibres in Carbon Fibres, Kevlar and Fibreglass. 


During the event, our team presented this new technology, its capabilities and functionalities as well as consulting with the many number of visitors to determine how this composite technology can be best applied in industry to benefit business processes.


Simon Chandler, Managing Director of CREAT3D explained "Simon Chandler, Managing Director of CREAT3D adds "CREAT3D are proud to partner with the IISE and Enscite to launch the revolutionary Mark One Composite 3D Printer in the UK. The IISE offers an unparalleled ability to transfer knowledge of the latest technology into businesses in the local area. This knowledge transfer promotes innovation thus creating value and streamlining existing processes which ultimately results in better performance and therefore a stronger UK economy. CREAT3D select the best in 3D printer technology and then work with partners like the IISE and Enscite to put this technology into the hands of people who are best positioned to harness it.".

CREAT3D Mark One UK Launch 2015


The IISE supports advanced manufacturing and engineering companies, of which CREAT3D is a partner. Professor Richard Hall, Director of IISE, said: “The composite 3D desktop printer not only delivers exceptional capabilities to Derby’s manufacturers to enable time compression to get new products to the market place, but it also provides us the ability to research the development of smart components through embedding sensors in the printed materials. This has huge potential for the future. The technologies presented here are also affordable for local SME’s to engage with to challenge traditional ways of designing and manufacturing.”


Read more on the Mark One Composite 3D Printer and its technical capabilities.


Or contact the CREAT3D Team to discuss your requirements in detail.


Check out the local press regarding the launch:

Derby Telegraph

Composites Today

3D Fab + Print


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