CREAT3D roll out 3D printers across Scottish Libraries

24 October 2016  |  Sabina Gonzalez-George

3D Printing in Scottish Public Libraries.

CREAT3D rollout 3D printers and 3D scanners across 32 Scottish libraries.

SLIC 3D printer training by CREAT3D

The Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC) recently made a successful bid for funding to the Scottish Government to introduce 3D printing into public libraries. Whilst the technology had already been incorporated into a few library services, the additional funding was to provide the opportunity to expand and develop 3D printing services, expertise and skills across Scottish libraries.


CREAT3D's involvement with SLIC began at the early stages of the project whereby our CREAT3D experts reviewed SLIC's requirements and  assessed the ambitions and aims of the project, to provide a shortlist of recommended 3D printers. Following a trial period, SLIC carried out their own assessment of the printer range before deciding on the CEL Robox as the 3D printer of choice.


Following a successful tender, CREAT3D rolled out CEL Robox 3D printers, Sense 3D scanners and also provided in-depth 3D printer training across 32 libraries. 


Each library now has a 3D Printing Champion, who is responsible for implementing, promoting and developing 3D printing within the library and local community. With ongoing technical support from CREAT3D and active involvement in a collaborative platform to exchange ideas and experiences, the Scottish Libraries 3D Printing Champions are in a position to maximise the potentials of 3D printing.


Read the full 3D printing in Scottish Libraries report for full details on the project and how 3D printing is being used within the libraries and their communities. 

For more information on the Scottish Library and Information Council, visit the SLIC website

To discuss any similar 3D printer public projects, contact the CREAT3D Team for more information.


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